What Is Email Marketing?

What Is Email Marketing?

What Is Email Marketing?

what is email marketing? Email marketing is a way to leverage the power of email to reach your customers and promote your business one of the best ways to keep in contact with your customers and keep them up-to-date on all of your specials and company news is by sending out a the newsletter you can send this newsletter out monthly or weekly or whatever the frequency you deem appropriate but the the important part is to be consistent not only do you need to be consistent with your newsletter but you need to give your customers a reason to want to receive your newsletters one of the easiest ways to make your customers want to receive your newsletter is by including discount codes or coupons these not only give your customers the incentive to want to receive your newsletter but it also encourages them to purchase more of your products or services email marketing is a great form of advertisement and a great way to keep in contact with your customers however it can be time-consuming and tricky to set up if you are not quite sure how to do it not to mention how time-consuming it can be to regularly create content for your newsletter and that's when we come in we offer a wide range of email marketing services from setting up a brand new email marketing campaign to completely managing newsletters and creating content for you contact us to learn more today...

Advantages & Disadvantages of email marketing

Advantages & Disadvantages Of Email Marketing

1. Flexible design - you can send plain text, graphics or attach files - whichever suits your message best.

2. Cost: Compared to other forms of marketing, the cost of an email marketing campaign is quite low.

3. Speed: One of the benefits of email marketing is that the time it takes to create an e-mail newsletter is a lot shorter than creating campaigns for traditional media.

4. Many people check their email daily. As a marketer, you will be able to stay in contact and build brand awareness with your prospective clients and loyal customers.

5. Scalable: Email Marketing can be used to reach large audiences or smaller targeted lists.

6. Increased Sales: Because you can contact so many former customers via email, you'll be able to increase interest in your product, which often results in increased sales. 

7. Ease: Learning how to send and crate an email marketing campaign is fairly straight forward. 

8. There are excellent tracking features available with most autoresponder services. You will be able to track and see how many people opened your emails, how many clicked on your links, etc.
9. Shareable: It’s easy for people to forward, building your reputation by word of mouth or viral marketing.

10. Personalisation: One of the benefits of email marketing platforms is that you can start segmenting your customers and creating different lists. 

11. Email is environment friendly.

12. Less intrusive: Unlike telephone marketing, recipients can read your message at a time that suits them.

13. Immediate response: Emails have traditionally received a high click through rate than other mediums and also a higher conversion rate.
14. You can add emails into your sequence and specify when they should be sent out.

15. Time saving: Through automation you can trigger emails to be sent to users based on an action they have performed on your website.

16. Viral: Emails make it easy for people to press forward and send it to their friends on their contact list. 

17. Opt-in: The fact that the people on your database have opted in according to the spam act to receive your emails makes them more open to your messages. 

18. Testing: Just like many other online marketing methods the speed to deployment and the flexibility of email marketing allows you to constantly test strategies and content with your customers. 

1. Spam - Unsolicited commercial email or 'spam' irritates consumers.
2. Deliverability Issues: Your email may not reach its intended audience. For one thing, certain terms, such as "free" or "money" could trigger the spam filter.

3. Engagement: Email marketing requires constant tweaking to keep your subscribers engaged.

4. Burning out your list: People will regularly unsubscribe

5. Subscribers Miss Your Message Due To Format Issues.

6. Size issues - files need to be small enough to download quickly. 

7. Shutting Down Your Site: When several customers report your emails as spam, the email provider may report you and your company to your Web host.

8. Breaking the law.

9. Alienating readers: Don't try and sell to your customers all the time. This can get frustrating for your audience and cause them to unsubscribe or be disengaged. 

10. Resources and skills: For a successful email campaign you must ensure that you have the right copy, design and marketing list. 

11. Emails Are Most Often Skimmed Not Read, Making It Hard To Form An Impression.


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