Benefits Of search engine optimization (SEO)

Benefits Of search engine optimization (SEO)

Benefits Of Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Benefits Of search engine optimization (SEO)-if you have a website or blog then you will need to do traffic. there is no point in the website without traffic. if you have made a website to earn, you can not earn without good traffic.

There are so many ways to get traffic for the website, such as linking to a direct visitor, from social media, paid advertising etc. but the most amazing way of all of these is organic traffic, which comes from direct search engines.

Therefore it is very important to get the website's search engine optimization to get more and more organic traffic. on the internet, people search only on the information search engine.
Types Of Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Types Of Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

There are three types of Search Engine Optimization.

1) Black Hat SEO
2) White Hat SEO
3) Gray Hat SEO

1) Black Hat SEO - If you are doing SEO for your website without the following rule, regulation and algorithm provided by Google or other search engine is called Black Hat SEO.

A) It does not follows google or other search engine guidlines.
B) It is called as unethical SEO too.
C) It is sort term process.

For Example - Keyword stuffing, invisible text, doorway pages, adding unrelated keywords to the page content or page swapping (changing the webpage entirely after it has been ranked by search engines).

2) White Hat SEO - If you are doing SEO for the website by following rule, regulation and algorithm provided by Google or other search engine is called White Hat SEO.

A) It follows google or other search engine guidlines.
B) It is called as ethical SEO too.
C) It is long term process.

For Example:- Some Example of White Hat SEO techniques include using keywords and keyword analysis, backlinking, link building to improve link popularity, and writing content for human readers.

3) Gray Hat SEO - It is combination of White Hat SEO and Black Hat SEO, White Hat SEO 95% + Black Hat SEO 5% = 100% Gray Hat SEO.


You can increase the blogs or websites organnic traffic by doing on SEO correctly, There is no shortcut to getting top rank on search engine, but if you do SEO correctly then search ranking will definitely come.

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